Demolition and Dismantling Contractors in Cardiff

Who is South Wales Demolition Ltd  ?

South Wales Demolition Ltd, is an expert demolition company situated in Cardiff South Wales.Demolition-Services-Cardiff


The business has expert levels of knowledge within the demolition industry. With key personnel with over 20 years experience in demolition, as well as being second generation demolition contractors with expertise handed down through the generations.

Why choose South Wales Demolition Ltd  ?

The company is well resourced in terms of operational plant and working knowledge of demolishing all forms of structures.

From compact plant, with the zero tail swing booms meaning that South Wales Demolition Ltd can operate in the most confined of demolition sites, right up to large-scale plant capable of large commercial demolition contracts.

But what really separates South Wales Demolition Ltd from some of the competition is the level of knowledge and accrued demolition experience. Whether it be residential, domestic demolition or demolition of commercial structures, it is rare to encounter a structure that the businesses personnel have not already encountered.

Demolition Companies in Cardiff


What qualifies you to carry out large and small-scale demolition contracts in Cardiff?

South Wales Demolition Ltd doesn’t just carry out demolition work in Cardiff but also Newport, Swansea and also within the South West, in areas such as Bristol.

What qualifies us is years of experience, the businesses personnel have demolished houses, residential structures, office strip out’s, site clearance and commercial demolition, both large and small.

So what qualifies us, is expert knowledge of how to reverse engineer structures in the safest way possible.

Once you combine this with expert working knowledge of how to operate excavators in a safe manner, you have a demolition contractor who is truly well versed and practised in all forms of demolition.

Is there a particular type of demolition that South Wales Demolition Ltd  is best suited to?

 South Wales Demolition Ltd have adapted their service offering to offer to both the commercial and residential sectors. All demolition contracts in the Cardiff area will be considered.

South Wales Demolition Ltd have built up a reputation for offering affordable, yet safe demolition for residential and domestic contracts across South Wales and the South West.

This includes the demolition of houses and residential structures such as garages and other residential dwellings such as bungalows.

Demolition Contractors within Cardiff, South Wales


Your experience seems vast, yet what other attributes are there to your business that makes you a cost-effective and safe demolition contractor in Cardiff?

Cost-effective demolition, sensible prices for domestic demolition and commercial contracts.

South Wales Demolition Ltd  believe strongly in offering value for money and generating repeat business.

A primary focus of  South Wales Demolition Ltd company vision is offering unparalleled and uncompromising value for money to all the company’s clients. This is extended to both the commercial and domestic demolition sectors

You are in safe hands once you choose  South Wales Demolition Ltd

We never compromise in terms of our stringent health and safety procedures that are carried out on site.

Through expert knowledge accumulated over the years of how to reverse engineer structures, we understand how to bring down structures safely while minimising disruption to the local area.

We achieve this because over the years we have encountered buildings and structures in all shapes and sizes.

We have safely brought these buildings down through meticulous planning, and attention to detail. We like to say these buildings come down safely due to our experience and working knowledge.

Plant and Machinery ready for any demolition contract within Cardiff

We have access to machinery that we can call on at any time allowing us to carry out small and large-scale demolition within the Cardiff areas.

No matter if it is industrial, commercial or domestic we have the range of plant and equipment ready to be quickly mobilised for the right demolition contract in Cardiff.